
A Patrõa e o Tempo by Elianyuri

The individual exhibition A PATRÔA E O TEMPO de Elianyuri, will open on may 6, from 6 pm to 8.30 pm. The exhibition will remain open until June 4 and the admission is free.
In this exhibition, all the rules recommended by the DGS will be respected.

The public installation Patrõa (female boss), created by the Chilean artist Elianyuri, which lights up the clotheslines on the facades at night, in various areas of Lisbon and surroundings, aims to highlight unpaid domestic work. It calls attention to the gender asymmetries that exist around the world that place the women of the house in a spot of silent subservience. Taking from them one of the most precious and irrecoverable assets: time.

Elianyuri wanted with this project, above all, to thank the Patrõas of his life. To their courage,
strength and determination.

The title reflects the paradox of the term Patrõa, colloquially used by companions, to name the woman as the home manager, a position of decision, but which is limited to the sphere of domestic chores, emphasizing the difference between the conditions of “patroa” and “patrão”. His free time is your property. Hers is shared, with those who need and demand it. Therefore, another characteristic attaches to time: freedom.

Elianyuri uses a technique that he has been developing in recent years, which mixes LED and acrylic strips to create intimate environments through light. This technique makes it possible to highlight the contours of clothes on the clotheslines that guide the landscapes of neighborhoods around the world, that here are understood as the stronghold of a devalued work.

It is in this context that A PATRÔA E O TEMPO appears, through the invitation of Apaixonarte to Elianyuri, to focus his project, this time between four walls, where most of the domestic work takes place. Thus, a line of thought is extended, from the outside to the inside, which, in a scenic way, takes us back to the obscure essence of the matter that the artist approaches. Here, Elianyuri creates an installation of light contours of the objects most used in the daily life of the home.

A PATRÔA E O TEMPO recreates the warmth of our childhoods and, at the same time, transports us to a collective memory, full of ambiguities, which insists on remaining.


Ian Yurisch Cancino, also known as Elianyuri (b. 1986), was born and raised in Patagonia, more specifically in a working-class village called Cerro Sombrero, on the large island of Tierra del Fuego, Chile.

From a very young age, he showed his passion for creating, building and mastering different materials, as a way to give free rein to his creativity and imagination. Which led him to study Communication and Digital Art Direction in Santiago de Chile. Enchanted and fascinated by fire, it is in artificial light that he finds his main tool.

In 2011, he leaves Porto and a job in his area of training, to live in Lisbon, where he transforms lighting into his means of communication, as an artist.
He collaborated on projects with artists such as Akacorleone, Wasted Rita and Escif, starting a new facet, that of producer and artisan.
In 2020, he becomes known for his style of neon lighting and begins a new phase as an artist.

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