Crystalized 0.0 by SAMINA
Apaixonarte is proud to present “Crystalized 0.0”, a solo exhibition by SAMINA. The opening with the artist took place, on 31 October. The exhibition ran until 28 November of 2018. SINOPSIS Along the years, the…
Apaixonarte is proud to present “Crystalized 0.0”, a solo exhibition by SAMINA. The opening with the artist took place, on 31 October. The exhibition ran until 28 November of 2018. SINOPSIS Along the years, the…
A Apaixonarte teve o orgulho de apresentar “Crystalized 0.0”, uma exposição individual de SAMINA. A inauguração com a presença do artista decorreu no dia 31 de Outubro. A exposição esteve patente até dia 28 de…
Apaixonarte had the pleasure of presenting “Jael”, an individual exhibition by Sara Feio. The opening with the presence of the artist was on July 7 and was open until August 31. SINOPSIS “At her feet he…
A Apaixonarte teve o prazer de apresentar a exposição individual “Jael” de Sara Feio. A inauguração decorreu no dia 7 de Julho. A exposição esteve patente até dia 31 de Agosto de 2017. SINOPSE “At…
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