Debaixo do teu Nariz by Rita Ravasco

Apaixonarte has the pleasure of presenting “Debaixo do teu nariz”, an individual exhibition by Rita Ravasco.

The opening with the presence of the artist will be on June 19, starting at 6:00 p.m. The exhibition will be open until July 14.

This exhibition have the support of  Mercearia do Vinho.

Free entrance.





“Debaixo do teu nariz” – “Under your nose” – A display of images evocative of real-life experiences. A fusion between codified messages or messages that decode a reality that is often ignored, devalued or unknown – ideas that we take for granted while we grow.

In this schizophrenia of constant growth, we are presented with all this great result of evolution, in a colourful and magical way, in response to our sensibilities or needs. The first contact with the outside world arises when there is a supply of nutrients and oxygen through the womb of our mother. That is when we first respond to our first needs. You create a new dimension by responding to a sensibility . Art is the transport for innovation.

By responding to your sensibilities, you contribute to the development of a new market, a common taste that you share with other individuals throughout the world – such as collecting, music, sports, technology and health, among other.

I propose to travel through imaginary worlds, full of vibrant symbolism and colours that present us with realities created through the parallelism between creative processes with digital production means and with traditional painting and drawing.

Text by Rita Ravasco


When I think of the beginnings of my artistic journey, my first contact with the creative universe, the first images that show up in my memory are childhood references, such as: the classic colouring pens Molin (that delicious range of colours that gave life to the drawings and colouring books) and plasticine, which made the construction of imaginary characters possible.

My childhood and the place where I grew up are also undoubtedly important points for what I am doing today. Growing up in the Alentejo, more precisely in Mourão, allowed me to develop a close look at what is around me. It also provided me with a strong connection with nature, especially with animals (which often appear in my work).

In 2010, I started my degree in Plastic Arts – Painting Intermedia – at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar. When I finished my degree, I did not know exactly what I would do with everything I had learned – I started by not associating myself with any record and form of expression. At that moment, with so much information, I felt an almost schizophrenic madness, in which I tested several things in the artistic universe: drawings, video, photography, stopmotion, painting, compositions with objects, digital means allied to painting. All this material was published on social networks.

The demand and interest in my work continued to increase and the search was becoming increasingly associated with the exploitation of digital media in conjunction with painting- study of colour and themes based on people and everything they represent, animals and nature . The interest in mural painting also arose at that time, an interest that has grown and I have been developing.

Text by Rita Ravasco

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