IMUNIDADE DIVINA (DIVINE IMMUNITY) | A collective exhibition blessed by Apaixonarte

This collection of artistic amulets will be exhibited to the public, on the 11th of December, from 4pm.

Divine Immunity does not neglect the rules of the DGS. The entrance is limited to 3 people at a time and the use of a mask is mandatory. To reduce the concentration of people, the artists will receive visitors on several days throughout the exhibition and it’s possible to set an appointment. Stay tuned!

This divine inspiration can be visited until the 16th of January.




Until proven otherwise, we are all superstitious. If in doubt, you better to play safe. It has always been like that. Since the beginning of time, humans have always found answers in the transcendent universe through magical thoughts, metaphysical narratives, beliefs, doctrines, faith … After all, it is part of being human to believe in something greater.

This divine protection, have different forms, depending on the culture, religion and its changes over time. Personified through São Roque, Ganesha or Métis. Found in nature as shamrocks, frogs, salt, herbs, stones and crystals. In symbols like the hand of Fátima, Cruz de David or objects like horseshoes and Chinese coins. They are lucky charms that guarantee success or immunity to any misfortune.

With the arrival of the year 2020, a new pandemic was born. With it a new reality of life and death comes along, but above all, an unknown path. Who is out there to protect us?

Regardless of one’s beliefs, whether they are religious, superstitious, spiritual or skeptical. This collective exhibition aims to be a reflection on this popular imaginary, creating a “protection” worthy of the 21st century. A protection “Beyond” the benchmark of just a mask and hand sanitizer.

Therefore, fully aware of the transcendent power of art, Apaixonarte challenged twelve artists to create new forms of protection. New ways of looking at the sky, spells or sacred images, will protect us all, from this contemporary pandemic.

Curated by Apaixonarte the artists invited to this exhibition are: Adamastor, Ana Types Type, António Azevedo, Beatriz Cunha, Cássio Markowski, Cláudia Trongmo, Elleonor, Halfstudio, Los Pepes Studio, Raquel Cardoso, Rita Ravasco and Yara Fukimoto.

Come and protect yourself!

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