Interioridades by Nina Fraser

Apaixonarte had the pleasure of presenting “Interioridades”, an individual exhibition by Nina Fraser.

Apaixonarte challenged the English artist Nina Fraser, who lives and works in Portugal, to create a collage exhibition for the celebration of our 5th anniversary. The selected collages were seen during the exhibition, which was inaugurated with the presence of the artist on November 30th and continued until January 13th, 2018.


Nina Fraser makes collages using magazines and photographs, often in response to other images as a starting point, deconstructing and reconstructing urban and rural landscapes. For this exhibition Inter “Interioridades”, our gaze is shifted from the outward to the inward – the personal domain, the interior of the house.

For this exhibition, we requested the public to participate by sending us a photo of an interior room within their home. These photographs were selected and manipulated directly by Nina, each forming a new unique collage, traversing the line between public and private, the usual boundaries within domestic home life are dissolved, allowing a connection to form through a shared familiarity of our beautiful, uncompromising domestic existence.

SINOPSE A Nina faz colagens usando revistas e fotografias, muitas vezes em resposta a outras imagens como ponto de partida, para a sua desconstrução e reconstrução de paisagens urbanas e rurais, feitas sempre em papel. Nesta exposição, especialmente criada para a Apaixonarte, Nina passa do olhar exterior para o interior - o domínio pessoal, o interior da casa. Atravessando a linha entre o público e o privado, as fronteiras habituais onde a vida caseira se dissolve, permitindo uma conexão com a familiaridade da nossa maravilhosa, descomprometida, existência doméstica. Para esta exposição 'Interioridades', quisemos que o público participasse. Foi solicitado que nos enviassem fotografias de uma divisão da casa, a cores e sem rostos. Estas fotografias foram seleccionadas e usadas directamente pela Nina, recriadas e manipuladas, formando colagens únicas, para esta exposição. Onde se pretende reflectir sobre os diferentes modos de habitar de cada um, assim como a capacidade de Nina, de desestruturar e recriar outras realidades, com as mesmas imagens.


Artist Nina Fraser (St. Albans, Hertfordshire, UK, 1984), obtained a first degree hons BA Textile Art at Winchester College of Art, Hampshire, UK in 2006.

She explores the world around her though the medium of paper, resulting in two and three dimensional works spanning across a variety of disciplines including site specific intervention and installation, collage, watercolour & mixed media.

She was a resident artist at MArt (space for projects, learning and experimentation) in Lisbon from 2015 – 2017. She has exhibited in collective and solo exhibitions in UK, Portugal, Berlin, Australia, Poland and USA.

Her collages have been selected for publication in Not for Print (USA) Oneiric (Portugal) and Wotisart? (UK). Her work was selected to be exhibited in the Evolver Prize 2017 (UK).

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