
não é hoje by CLARA NÃO

Apaixonarte is pleased to present “não é hoje”. An individual exhibition by Clara Não.

The opening with the presence of the artist is scheduled for May 3, starting at 6 pm. The exhibition will run until May 25.
Free entry.

The opening has the support of Casa de Vilacetinho.


não é hoje (it’s not today)

The day when melancholy goes away in return of saudade.
It’s not today.
The day when the pain turns into a smile.
It’s not today.
The day when see you soon becomes see you later and goodbye.
It’s not today.
It’s not today, and that’s ok.

See you tomorrow.


Clara Não is an illustrator and writer who lives at Bonfim, Porto. Não stands out for her irreverent illustrations, in which she explores her personal experiences and ambidextrous writing.

With humor in her words, and tenderness (or rage) in her heart, Clara’s work focus on constructing ideas through writing, on paper, textile, windowpanes, and around town. She sells at galleries, like Ó! Galeria, Circus Network, Malapata, Senhora Presidenta and Área 55, and was featured on several platforms, like Vogue, Público and Jornal de Notícias. Não also works as a freelance, self-publishes, and sometimes forgets to pee.



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