Refuge – Rita Kroh


Refuge – Rita Kroh
Piece created for the collective exhibition “As Coordenadas Líricas” at Apaixonarte and Casa-Memória Fernanda Botelho, 2022.
White clay and Arraiolos wool.
Unique Piece.
Piece Dimensions – Diameter 11 cm – Height from 8 to 14 cm.

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Rita lives in Lisbon, but grew up in Fatela, a very inspiring farm! She studied 3 years of Equipment Design until she decided to switch to Sculpture at Escola de Belas Artes, in Lisbon.
She worked for 8 years in the educational service of the Berardo Museum and then in an art and architecture studio as a sculptor, where she had the pleasure of developing projects with different materials, which made her experience very enriching.
Alongside all this, in 2012 she created a project where she could explore textiles, namely crochet. In 2017, there was a forced change because she had to change her name and Kroh was born! With new pieces and others rethought, with a more defined story and the desire to explore everything that surrounds her.
Currently, she develops several projects in the textile area, always trying to combine techniques and unlikely materials, such as ceramics and basketry with crochet.

Weight 350 g

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