The Breakfast – Magriço

The Breakfast (The kill of the animal) – Magriço
Mixed media (acrylic + collages + author photography) on canvas, 2021.
“kill of the animal is an expression used to ingest food in order to break the fast, normally, for breakfast. Seeking to kill, relieve or indulge the animal that exists in us.” In Magriço (2021) Elucidary of Words and Related
Dimensions – 80 x 80 cm


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Born in Lisbon (‘77), he has developed his work around the “psyche”, presenting himself as an “almost” illiterate artist describing his “almost” artistic work as an adornment of “joissance”. The painting emerges with greater expression in Alentejo [Évora, ‘07] and later moves to Lezíria Ribatejana [Coruche, ‘17] where it currently develops its artistic study. The construction of the aesthetic sense of his work is based on the relations between the symbolic, the imaginary and the real. Has held several individual and collective exhibitions, being represented in private collections.

The work selection presented in apaixonarte, cross disciplines between painting, photography and collages, having the real-imaginary binomial as their matrix.

Weight 3000 g

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