Rasgos by José Miguel @voodoolx

“Rasgos”, an individual exhibition by José Miguel @voodoolx.

The opening will be on September 14 and it will run until October 6.

The opening have the support of Mercearia do Vinho.


In his new series, José Miguel @voodoolx captured the city as a scenery, where light and shadow play a fundamental part of hide and seek, where fragments of the urban space are just as highlighted as they are retracted, the blend of elements and human beings.

If in his early works there’s an absence of shadow and sense of infinity, now we get the opposite – space is the main element of the compositions, everything else is almost irrelevant. The pressure of the urban sprawl over the individual. Space is actually the main character here, and without bright slices of light these would be dark images.


voodoolx photography exhibition at apaixonarte gallery in lisbon


JOSÉ MIGUEL @voodoolx

Designer and creative born in 1972, in Lisbon, focused on photography and digital contents.
Editor of Eyesight magazine. He often speaks in public about editing with smartphones and networks social policies.
Named Best Instagram Profile by the Insties 2018.

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