49 years ago, the Carnation Revolution forever changed the history of Portugal. On April 25, 1974, the country experienced one of the most important moments in its history, when the military and the people went to the streets to demand freedom, equality and social justice. Today, looking at the present, we realize that the democracy we conquered at that time faces dangers that we cannot ignore.
Freedom of expression, equal opportunities and respect for human rights are fundamental values that we must protect and preserve. Unfortunately, we are witnessing an increase in populism, intolerance and discrimination, which threaten the stability and cohesion of our society.
That’s why our store/gallery intends to celebrate this important event in the history of Portugal. We want to honor the struggle and sacrifice of those who guaranteed us the freedom and democracy we have today, and remember that it is our responsibility to continue to fight for these values.
To celebrate and help spread the April 25 message, we are offering a special 15% discount on all pieces that some of our emerging artists have created on the theme. This is the perfect opportunity to acquire works that celebrate our history and our values.
The promotion will run in our physical and online store, until Saturday, the 29th. Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate the Carnation Revolution and support Portuguese art. Join us in this homage to our history and our values.
April 25 always!
Artists – Adriana Fontelas, António Azevedo, Bárbara R., Cátia Freitas, Maria Melancolia, Marita, Rita Ravasco e Tomás Castro Neves.