The group show “As Coordenadas Líricas” (The Lyrical coordinates) will open, in Apaixonarte, on the April 1, from 6pm to 8:30pm. The exhibition will remain open until the 30th of April and the admission is free.
In this exhibition, all the rules recommended by the DGS will be respected.

The collective exhibition ” As Coordenadas Líricas “, emerges from the desire to bring together all the artists selected from the Open Call da Apaixonarte, held a year ago, with a focus on the same theme. This desire, to bring together emerging artists from different areas, ages and contexts, created the perfect opportunity to materialize the interest of developing a partnership with Casa-Memória Fernanda Botelho. A House, still growing, that will not allow us to lose memory of all the books and drafts, all the literature and poetry, by the great Portuguese writer Fernanda Botelho (1926-2007).

For several months, the 19 artists who make up this collective worked on one of her poems “As Coordenadas Líricas”. All the pieces in this show will first be displayed at the Apaixonarte gallery, in Lisbon, and then transferred to Cadaval, where the writer lived and where her Casa-Memoria is located, as part of the county’s arts week. Here the exhibition will be embraced by the writer’s last home, synthesizing her spirit in a union between art and the space she inhabited, where her memory still prevails and breathes through objects, books and the surrounding atmosphere. A House that allows us to walk through its universe, now enriched with the pieces of art that were born from the Open Call that translate and perpetuate in time and space the core of its essence, its writing, its words.

The artists that are part of this collective are: Amargo, David Sereno, FalcãoLucas, Inês Coelho, Joana R. Sá, João Freitas, Liliana Velho, Mada Cassiano, Mafalda Slam, Magriço, Maria Melancolia, Marta Nunes, Mtáfora, Neide Carreira, Paulo Albuquerque, Rita Kroh, Sofia Venâncio, Teresa Arega e Tomás Castro Neves.


Lyrical Coordinates

The parallel diverted next to nothing
and all darkened:
it was light disguised as dawn
the light that enveloped me.

The geometrical form of my steps
searches for a round sea.
I carry with me, inside my arms,
hidden, the whole world.

I go alone no longer. I just flee from
the dark ambushes.
In each sphere I draw my refuge
– my coordinates.

Fernanda Botelho, As coordenadas líricas, Edições Távola Redonda, Lisboa, 1951


The exhibition “As Coordenadas Líricas” is already at Casa – Memória Fernanda Botelho, on the library to be more specific. The 19 pieces, from the 19 artists selected through the Open Call, came from Apaixonarte, in Lisbon, and were housed, among hundreds of books and personal objects, at the writer’s last address, in Cadaval. The exhibition will stay here until the 12th of June and can be visited by appointment. Pay a visit!

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